Monday, December 30, 2013

Wind Cave Hike

After Christmas day, we visited Sweetheart's sister, Auntie M.
Aunt Y, Sweetheart's sister, and family came down from Utah.

Auntie Y wanted to go on a hike.
Auntie M and Uncle M found a hike for us.

Hurricane did a great job for his little legs on the 3.2 mile hike.

Underfoot was really proud of himself because he wasn't carried once.

We enjoyed being with cousins.
Our cousins hiked with us and were helpful to our boys.
They enjoyed being with Mr. Nature as he stuck with them most the time.

We don't get too many pictures together.
Here we are. 
Sweetheart forgot his hat so he brought his Dad's hat.
We stayed together and enjoyed talking together.

After getting hurt, I finished the triathlon and then didn't exercise so my ankle could heal.
I started to run again on Christmas but rolled my ankle a couple of times as we hiked the trail.
Since Aunt M has a pool that's not heated in the winter, I ice bathed.
I have a road of recovery on my hands.

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