Monday, October 6, 2014

Hurricane's Pictures from Cancun

Inexpensive cameras were purchased for each boy.
Each had a different perspective.
We didn't have to fight over share the family camera.

Below are some of the best of Hurricane's shots.
The funny thing is he took a lot of selfies and is in a lot of his own pictures.

Airport in Dallas, TX

He got the window seat from Dallas to Cancun.

His view point of the ground is some between Texas and Mexico.

Kirky bought him a dart gun at the Oxxo.

Jilli is in her seat of the car.
Kirky does all the driving.

Hurricane really likes this picture of himself.
It is in the front room at the mission home.

Driving in the car pictures blur past.
He took quite a few of these.

Selfie in the car

Another one of his favorite pictures.
He is in a bedroom at the mission home.

He is waiting in the car for the women.

He took a picture of Kirky at the bottom of the stairs.

He says this is a picture of his thumb.

Underfoot got monster hands at the Oxxo.
The hand is apparently attacking him.

He might actually being sucking the fingers of the monster.

He took a picture of my hair for the day.

Hurricane's view point in the car

I was given the camera to take a picture.
We were at Chichen Itza Sacred Cenote.

Hurricane is pointing to Lunch.
We named the iguana Lunch.

Chichen Itza was a turning point when he started to take pictures of others.

Sister Mena

Jilli and a New Sister Missionary

He is waiting so patiently for the missionaries to be done talking to Kirky.

Here is the nursery.
We made believe here that we were space ship pilots.

Elder Thumbs Up

When we were waiting in Valledolid.
He went around the church taking pictures.

This is a funny face picture.

He asked us to smile.
Near the end of the trip, he was taking more pictures of others.

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