Tuesday, December 6, 2011

A Pure Heart

My cousin, Benjamin, is a dear. He and I have had discussions about his hopes and dreams. He didn't talk much about his hurts.
Benjamin being reverent as a 2 year old.
 When Benjamin was born, he was born with truncus arteriousus. His family gave him a name and blessing the very same day as his birth before his first operation. When I was around Benjamin, he was happy to just be who he was. He had his feet planted solid - like a firm foundation. He knew who to look to for his inspiration.

Benjamin was a believer in doing the right things. He believed in making covenants with God like it says in Psalms 24:
Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? or who shall stand in his holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive the blessing from the Lord, and righteousness from the God of his salvation. This is the generation of them that seek him, that seek thy face, O Jacob.
 Jacob's ladder is referred in this psalm. Jacob had a dream on his way to find his Uncle Laban and to marry Leah and Rachel. Jacob dreamed that he sees a ladder that extends from Earth to God. On the ladder he sees ministering angels that teach the way to return to Heavenly Father (Genesis 28:10-22.) Jacob is given a vision on what he must do to return to heaven by making sacred covenants with him of baptism, confirmation, and temple covenants. After making the covenants like Job, he must "endure" to be happy.
Jacob is so affected by his vision that he names the place Bethel which is a holy place. Our home and temples can be similar in their holiness when we seek to be obedient to God.

Jacob is also promised that Jesus Christ will be born through his family in his dream. What a promise to know of the coming of the Savior and to believe that his redeeming power will happen as if it has already happened!
Benjamin, Boo (nephew), Button (niece)
Benjamin's goal was to return to the Savior, Jesus Christ. I am grateful for his example to want to return to his Heavenly Father and how well he endured. Benjamin's physical heart in this life failed him, but his pure heart helped him continue on his mission to teach the plan of salvation. 

1 comment:

Susan Anderson said...

What a meaningful post, Wendy. I am really enjoying these!
