Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Hiking Initiation

We live in a place with a lot of hiking. Our friends asked us to go hiking with them. I have never been with little children. I think I'm just not brave to go. So they took us.
I think that my boys thought it was the most wonderful thing! They climbed on BIG rocks.
They had to do it by themselves without any help...
This saguaro was as tall as Underfoot. The cactus grow to be 15 to 50 feet. The boy will grow to be big one day too.
He wanted to play hide-n-seek in the rocks.
We even took the token picture by the saguaro. The spines (needles) will be about 2 inches. They are razor sharp.
At the end of the day, we held hands to get back to the car. Each needs someone to hold hands with. My boys fell asleep on the car ride home. They had literally hiked to exhaustion. We hope to go again soon....


Stephanie said...

WE love, love, love hiking. The kids are small and can't go very long, but it's one of the most stress-free family activities. You're far enough removed from civilization to not care if they are loud or silly, and they love the freedom and exploration. It's awesome.

Cyndy said...

So, when do you want to go again?

Susan Anderson said...

Hiking is good for families, isn't it?
