Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Christmas Day

Christmas is special because of the birth of Jesus Christ.
The boys had concerns that the 3 Kings wouldn't find their way here.
They fell asleep at 11:30 pm on Christmas Eve after having gone to bed at 8 pm.
We had some sweet conversations about how they are blessed to have what they have.
They needed to have hope that good things were to come.

They were waiting for the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel's Messiah. 
Their hope was high and contagious.

The 3 Kings did find them and remembered them.
We were grateful for family who called to share our day together.

Both boys were given the promise of camping trips.
The adventure continues throughout the year.

1 comment:

Susan Anderson said...

Sounds like a great Christmas. And I like the idea of the Three Kings coming.
